Introducing the Atlas of Emotions, our new project with the Dalai Lama and Paul & Eve Ekman

| 04.26.16

In 2014, the Dalai Lama asked his friend, scientist Dr. Paul Ekman, to design him an Atlas of Human Emotion. His Holiness was intrigued by conversations that he and Paul had been having over the years about their different views on the subject of emotion. His Holiness comes, of course, from the Buddhist tradition. Paul’s...

OpenStreetMap past(s), OpenStreetMap future(s)

| 04.08.16

I gave a talk at AAG last week, as part of a session about OpenStreetMap data analysis. [UPDATE: I gave a similar talk at State of the Map US in Seattle on July 23, 2016. You can watch the video on YouTube. UPDATE #2: Maurizio Napolitano translated this post into Italian!] Slides at I...

Exploring the Amazon with Code and Data

| 04.05.16

A project with Stamen and National Geographic As a child, I dreamed of being a National Geographic photographer. What could be better than going exploring to find just the right perspective to help everyone appreciate and better understand this amazing world we call home. I never expected that I would partially realize this dream in...