Big Glass Microphone is a data visualization of a 5km long fiber optic cable buried underneath Stanford University for the V&A.

| 05.15.17

We’re excited to announce Big Glass Microphone, a collaboration between Stamen Design and the Victoria and Albert Museum. Yesssssssss! Infrastructure is all around us. Some we can see, like roads, and some we can’t, like radio waves. Big Glass Microphone looks at the intersection between these two kinds of infrastructure by visualizing the vibrations in...

Spatial Data Visualization Classes at Stamen are Back!

| 05.04.17

I’m pleased to announce that we’re offering our popular mapping and visualization classes again this year, in our Mission District studio in San Francisco! This pair of classes focusses on how to design and build interactive online maps using the latest open source visualization tools. Learn how to combine data and design to make beautiful...