A collection of all blog posts by Stamen Design.

blog/Stamen Design

Stamen, coming right up

Stamen Design | 03.29.07

Spring’s here! The flowers are a-bloom all over the place in San Francisco, and so is Stamen 🙂 Here are some notes about upcoming events we’ll be participating in: MoveOn Town Hall Meeting: MoveOn National Town Hall The US presidential election is a year and a half away, but the campaigns are already in full...

Announcing Modest Maps

Stamen Design | 03.23.07

Stamen’s Mike Migurski announced today the release of the mapping library that he and Shawn Allen and Darren David have been working on: Modest Maps. Following up on a series of map-based projects that improve on the full-screen tile-based system that Google Maps paved the way with (haha!), Modest Maps is an open source project...

Tom Carden at South by Southwest

Stamen Design | 03.09.07

Stamen’s Tom Carden will be at South by Southwest in Austin, TX this weekend (along with half of San Francisco, it seems), speaking on a panel with our friends Dan Catt and Aaron Cope about Mapping: Where the F#*% Are We Now?. While Tom’s there he’s going to continue our search for the perfect designer...

A day of Diggs and a thin blue line

Stamen Design | 02.27.07

As a follow-up to the first visualizations we made of user activity on Digg (posted to the digg blog in 2006), we’ve widened the scope of our visualizations to show an entire day’s worth of digging activity on the site in greater detail. The resulting images, made by Tom Carden, illustrate some general patterns, and...

Stamen on Manyeyes

Stamen Design | 02.23.07

I was first introduced to IBM’s new Manyeyes project when Fernanda Viegas spoke about it at Adaptive Path’s excellent IDEA conference in Seattle back in October. We presented too; it was a “morning of visualization” 🙂 . Mike Migurski’s Digg friends Since it launched, the site has deservedly gotten a ton of attention and seems...

Amgen: Quokka redux

Stamen Design | 02.20.07

It lives: The 2007 Amgen Tour of California started this weekend. It looks like some of my former colleagues at Quokka who are now at Macromedia Adobe have been working on the realtime race tracker. Live Race Coverage Francis Potter from Adobe sent over the annoucement from Yottapixel: An engineering team at Adobe has been...

Marine microchips, here we go

Stamen Design | 02.14.07

The world’s moving onto the web, all right: Ottowa: Scientists will soon start attaching microchips to fish and other marine animals to track their movements around the world’s oceans and learn how they are being affected by phenomena such as climate change and overfishing, experts said on Monday. — Planetark.com Canada’s Ocean Tracking Network, has...

Cabspotting, always in progress

Stamen Design | 02.13.07

When the Exploratorium and Scott Snibbe approached us in 2005 to visualize realtime GPS positions of San Francisco taxi cabs in the Cabspotting project, we leapt at the chance. Taxi data is highly dynamic, mappings of it change noticeably from viewing to viewing, has an easy reference to the real workd, and the data lends...