Building a data platform for Natural Capital Project
Building an open-access platform for data to promote sustainable decision-making

The Natural Capital Project came to Stamen to help design a data hub with the goal of creating a navigable and open-access resource built on CKAN to support sustainable decision-making. Additionally, the data hub supplies input data and results for InVEST (Integrated Valuation of Ecosystem Services and Tradeoffs), a suite of free, open-source models used to map and value these services.
Users can search by place, file type, tag, name, etc. as well as dig into a dataset with a geospatial preview, licensing information, code snippet, and more. We optimized the Data Hub for researchers, planners, and policymakers to leverage its robust resources to evaluate trade-offs and benefits, ensuring well-informed, nature-inclusive decisions.provides open-access, analysis-ready datasets.