Google #FreeAndOpen
Supporting a free and open internet across the globe, in real time

In 2012, the International Telecommunication Union, a UN body made up of governments around the world, met in Qatar to re-negotiate International Telecommunications Regulations. These meetings were held in private and behind closed doors, which many feel ran counter to the open nature of the internet. In response to this, Google asked people to add their voice in favor of a free and open internet. Those voices were displayed, in as close to real time as we could manage, on an interactive map of the world, designed and built by Enso, Blue State Digital, and us!
Adding your voice was pretty straightforward: the map asked where you were, and if it could find your location, it dropped a circle for you right there. Once you added your voice, you could share it on Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest. The map was localized into 23 languages, reflecting the world-wide nature of the campaign.