Stamen, coming right up

| 03.29.07

Spring’s here! The flowers are a-bloom all over the place in San Francisco, and so is Stamen 🙂 Here are some notes about upcoming events we’ll be participating in: MoveOn Town Hall Meeting: MoveOn National Town Hall The US presidential election is a year and a half away, but the campaigns are already in full...

Announcing Modest Maps

| 03.23.07

Stamen’s Mike Migurski announced today the release of the mapping library that he and Shawn Allen and Darren David have been working on: Modest Maps. Following up on a series of map-based projects that improve on the full-screen tile-based system that Google Maps paved the way with (haha!), Modest Maps is an open source project...

Tom Carden at South by Southwest

| 03.09.07

Stamen’s Tom Carden will be at South by Southwest in Austin, TX this weekend (along with half of San Francisco, it seems), speaking on a panel with our friends Dan Catt and Aaron Cope about Mapping: Where the F#*% Are We Now?. While Tom’s there he’s going to continue our search for the perfect designer...