Mike at Web 2.0 with Twitter’s Alex Payne

| 04.24.08

Well, the Web 2.0 Expo is here in San Francisco this week, extending its delightfully O’Reillyesque tentacles into every nook and cranny of town — including a takeover of South Park — epicenter of the first round of Internet hilarity back in the late ’90s. The town is full of nerds and marketing types alike, City Hall is all...

New gallery work and talk in Minneapolis

| 04.14.08

We’re glad to be participating in W(e are )here, a gallery show/series of events/map-making party in Minneapolis put on by Solution Twin Cities and Intermedia Arts: Recent developments in technology are expanding the ways we communicate the concept of “where.” Online mapping and info-graphic applications are allowing artists, amateurs, and armchair cartographers to chart the...