MSNBC hurricane maps are live

| 08.30.08

Over the weekend we released, for MSNBC, an interactive hurricane tracker. And just in time, because Hurricane Gustav is apparently “bearing down on Louisiana like a shotgun full of wind and rain.” I’m really pleased with how this project’s turned out; in particular I’ve not seen a map like this before that gives a sense...

London maps are live

| 08.29.08

Stamen’s work for LOCOG is ready for prime time, and viewable at

MoMA, Business Week, Lift

| 08.29.08

MoMA acquires “Cabspotting: New Years Eve 2007” Holy shit! Cabspotting at MoMa Back in February I was happy to announce that Cabspotting, our project with Scott Snibbe and Amy Balkin, was to be included in theMuseum of Modern Art’s forthcoming Design and The Elastic Mind exhibition. In the meantime, the MoMA has decided to acquire...

Buckminster Fuller and the beauty of bubbles

| 08.13.08

‘Looking back at the wake of my ship one day in 1917, I became interested in its beautiful white path. I said to myself, “That path is white because of the different refractions of light by the bubbles of water — H20 (not Hπ0). The bubbles are beautiful little spheres. I wonder how many bubbles I am...