Movin’ On Up

| 10.27.09

Well, it’s been a few years since I’ve needed to kick a coconut into all the corners of a new space (to absorb any potential bad juju, naturally) before moving in, but: here we go again! The capable and strapping men at Bay City Movers have just spent about 9 hours on Tuesday loading all...

We’re looking for a Studio Manager

| 10.21.09

For re-posting as far as the winds will take it: we are looking for a Studio Manager to help Deborah keep things running smoothly around here. Specifically: We’re looking for a confident, caring and motivated person to help run our busy Mission design studio. We are looking for someone with excellent organization skills, who’s clear...

Crimespotting in the Guardian

| 10.15.09

We learned today that San Francisco Crimespotting was featured in today’s Guardian, which is nice! Esopus was kind enough to send a link to an online viewer, and Zapme’s offered to send us a copy, and the article below that one is about how London’s talking about doing the same thing — get with it, people! Image...

GAFFTA: It’s all happening

| 10.01.09

Sha and I are here at GAFFTA after midnight the night before the show (and the place is packed! packed, I say, with smarties), finishing up the final details of our installation (which opens tomorrow), Alfonso and Julie (pictured below) are gracefully and delicately applying our wall-sized maps to the walls of the mezzanine, Josette...