The deal with Cabspotting

| 11.20.09

As previously mentioned, Cabspotting has been getting successively less live GPS taxi data from Yellow Cab during the last few months, resulting in an anemic and much spindlier (spindlier?) view of San Francisco than is normal when it’s in a healthy state: Being Stamen, of course we didn’t think to just pick up the phone...

HQ2 week 2

| 11.17.09

Our second full week in Stamen HQ2 still found us wandering around the new space, blinking at the possibilities. There’s a whole room full of empty and as-yet-uncrushed boxes, a room full of my old stuff (I used to live at Stamen HQ1, back in the day), a room with mostly plant-free large pots from...

HQ2 week 1

| 11.06.09

We spent our first full week in the new studio, which I’m calling Stamen HQ2. It’s been a good week — HQ2 is a bit larger than we’re used to (and truth be told, comfortable with) so we’re still in that stage where we’re wandering around looking into corners and trying out the distances between the rooms....