Cheerio Maps

| 12.11.10

Cheerio Maps is a view of housing data from that we (and when I say we, I mean Aaron) visualized in early 2010. The maps look at how the sizes, prices and ages of houses vary across the San Francisco Bay Area, and uses circles of different sizes to denote greater and lesser values....

Working on the Knight Moves

| 12.10.10

Today we’re announcing the public beta of Dotspotting, a project designed to help people work with geographic data in ways that are intelligible, straightforward and useful in the real world. You can sign up for an account or just take a peek around at Dotspotting is the first project Stamen is releasing as part...

Shadows Searching in the Knight

| 12.08.10

There’s alot to talk about as we continue to move forward with Dotspotting. I’m going to try and blog a bit more frequently about it and describe individual aspects of the project, instead of waiting for a big long blog post that takes me all afternoon, and see how that goes. Search So yesterday I...