Dotspotting’s Toner Cartography available for download

| 06.29.11

One of the central tenets of the Knight News Challenge grant for Citytracking was that the work would happen in public, and that we’d make the work public as we go. The project has been downloadable on GitHub for some time now, and will continue to be so, and we’re announcing today the availability of... is live

| 06.17.11 is officially live with some new features and swanky new cartography. Cross-posted on PBS Idea Lab The project has been in a partially-completed stage for a few months now, and I’ve blogged about the project before. We’ve got a few new things to announce: The url is now; no more of this stamen...

MTC Travel Time maps are live

| 06.03.11

The OneBayArea Travel Map that we worked on with the good people at MIG, Inc is live at, and shows you approximately how far you can get from any point in the Bay Area by car, public transit, bike, or on foot, at particular times of the day. You can filter your view by the...