How to make 3d maps of Mars

| 06.27.13

Stamen created to showcase our cartographic explorations. It’s also a place to stash our mapping experiments (Burning Map; Trees, Cabs & Crime). We recently added a new map: a three-dimensional map of contour lines that compose the surface of Mars. 1. Motivations I started looking for space-related data shortly after hearing news of the...

Map Stack: Maps for all

| 06.12.13

Good-looking maps used to be the domain of experts. That’s been changing quite a bit in the last few years, and it’s easier than ever now for developers to access mapping data (the recent State of the Map USconference was a great place to hear about this). Never content to leave well enough alone, we...

Earthlings! We have built you 3D Mars maps

| 06.05.13

Last week Mike and I were invited to speak at the Jet Propulsion Lab for “Visualization: From Data to Discovery,” a conference about the overlap between data visualization and science. Which would have been interesting enough on its own (because science is awesome), but the icing on the cake was a tour of the Labs....