Visualizing the Past, Building Tools for the Future: Designing an Interactive Atlas of American…

| 02.29.16

Last week I gave a couple of presentations around the Bay Area about Stamen Design’s recent project American Panorama. American Panorama is the result of more than a year of work with the Digital Scholarship Lab at the University of Richmond, and it’s extremely satisfying to finally get to share it with the world...

South Florida and Sea Level: The Case of Miami Beach

| 02.24.16

Charles Waldheim at Harvard’s Office for Urbanization was kind enough to invite me to give the closing remarks at a meeting yesterday of designers, architects, city planners and municipal leaders at Miami Beach on the topic of Miami Beach and sea level rise. It’s a great place to have this conversation, partly because the city...

Sightlines Project: Visualizing Living Well in 21st-Century America

| 02.19.16

We’ve been working with the Stanford Center on Longevity at Stanford University to bring to life their Sightlines Project. Stamen’s role was to review data from eight nationally representative, multi-year studies that involved more than 1.2 million Americans over the last 15 years and to visualize that data in an appealing and informative way. Sightlines...