Fake-but-good-enough-for-robots satellite imagery, drawn by artificial intelligences, at TEDx Bari

| 11.20.17

This is an abridged version of a talk I gave at the amazing Teatro Petruzelli for TEDx Bari: Disorder on November 19, 2017. All errors are my own. A bundle of digital technologies is reshaping our lives and how we make all kinds of transactions. It’s also reshaping the built environment, as access to digital...

DC is trippin! with this new data visualization transportation tool

| 11.13.17

We recently launched a new tool with transportation consultants Fehr & Peers and the District Department of Transportation (ddot). TripsDC is a tool for generating trip estimates for mixed use development projects in the District of Columbia. Most transportation models tend to assume that a development is either retail, or work space, or housing, and so they don’t really account for...

Learn the fundamentals of data visualization

| 11.08.17

At Stamen we’re excited to expand our educational offerings with a new hands-on visualization course taught by guest instructor and dataviz guru Curran Kelleher. In this two day course, you’ll build a deep foundation across all aspects of data visualization, with in-person instruction in our San Francisco studio. The class will take place over the...

Visualizing Open Spaces for the Peninsula Open Space Trust

| 11.07.17

The Living Landscape Initiative Partners have been protecting open spaces for people and wildlife in the South San Francisco Bay Area since the start of the 20th century. With over 235,000 (!) acres of protected lands, 700 (!) miles of streams, 60 (!) square miles of redwood habitat, and 250 (!) miles of trails protected...

How Stamen’s Eric Rodenbeck picks a typeface

| 11.06.17

The National Design Award-winning interactive designer has a simple method for selecting typefaces—as detailed in his 20 year career designing for the web