What’s In Your Wallet: Cryptocurrency Coin Correlations

| 10.30.18

This post originally appeared on Cointracker’s blog and was written by Chandan Lodha. At CoinTracker, we are building a portfolio & tax manager for cryptocurrency. CoinTracker syncs crypto transactions and balances from the top exchanges & wallets to deliver a unified dashboard of your cryptocurrency portfolio performance. CoinTracker also helps users calculate their cryptocurrency taxes...

Talking through Stamen’s Send Me SFMOMA Data Visualization

| 10.26.18

by Eric Rodenbeck and Keir Winesmith Stamen Design, Send Me SFMOMA data visualization; image courtesy SFMOMA Last June, SFMOMA launched the SMS-based service Send Me SFMOMA. The initiative was conceived as a way to shed light on the museum’s vast collection, only a fraction of which is on view at any given time. Send Me...

Visualizing Patterns in Google’s Cloud

| 10.08.18

What makes one place feel different from another? The language, the food, the landscape, but also a hundred subtler things: the colors that houses are painted, the speed people walk, the siren sounds and… the way that data flows to cloud servers? When Google approached Stamen to develop an engaging visualization of Cloud Storage traffic,...