A collection of all blog posts by Stamen Design.

blog/Stamen Design

London maps are live

Stamen Design | 08.29.08

Stamen’s work for LOCOG is ready for prime time, and viewable at http://london2012.com/storymaps.

MoMA, Business Week, Lift

Stamen Design | 08.29.08

MoMA acquires “Cabspotting: New Years Eve 2007” Holy shit! Cabspotting at MoMa Back in February I was happy to announce that Cabspotting, our project with Scott Snibbe and Amy Balkin, was to be included in theMuseum of Modern Art’s forthcoming Design and The Elastic Mind exhibition. In the meantime, the MoMA has decided to acquire...

Buckminster Fuller and the beauty of bubbles

Stamen Design | 08.13.08

‘Looking back at the wake of my ship one day in 1917, I became interested in its beautiful white path. I said to myself, “That path is white because of the different refractions of light by the bubbles of water — H20 (not Hπ0). The bubbles are beautiful little spheres. I wonder how many bubbles I am...

Trulia Snapshot is live

Stamen Design | 06.09.08

Stamen’s new work with awesome real estate powerhouse Trulia (who’re going gangbusters btw) is live, at http://snapshot.trulia.com. It’s an interactive map (of course!) showing photos of homes for sale, and lets you browse across several vectors: most expensive, least expensive, newest on the market, and longest on the market. One of the things we strive...

Where 2.0 Ignite Presentation

Stamen Design | 05.14.08

Following on the heels of my illustrious colleagues, I’ve put up my slides from the Ignite session I did on Monday. The slides are online here. It was an interesting format to try and get ideas across in; 5 minutes is not very long, and 15 seconds a slide doesn’t give you much room to...

Stamen out in public

Stamen Design | 05.09.08

Where2.0, Tonight: I’m doing an Ignite session tonight at O’Reilly’s Where 2.0 conference in Burlingame. I’ve never done an Ignite before: the idea is you have 20 slides and 20 slides only, and they auto-advance every 15 seconds, and 15 seconds only. Usually when I talk, I start warming up after the first 10 minutes,...

Mike at Web 2.0 with Twitter’s Alex Payne

Stamen Design | 04.24.08

Well, the Web 2.0 Expo is here in San Francisco this week, extending its delightfully O’Reillyesque tentacles into every nook and cranny of town — including a takeover of South Park — epicenter of the first round of Internet hilarity back in the late ’90s. The town is full of nerds and marketing types alike, City Hall is all...

New gallery work and talk in Minneapolis

Stamen Design | 04.14.08

We’re glad to be participating in W(e are )here, a gallery show/series of events/map-making party in Minneapolis put on by Solution Twin Cities and Intermedia Arts: Recent developments in technology are expanding the ways we communicate the concept of “where.” Online mapping and info-graphic applications are allowing artists, amateurs, and armchair cartographers to chart the...

Stamen at ETech

Stamen Design | 02.29.08

Tom and I are heading down to San Diego tomorrow for O’Reilly’s ETech. We’re both speaking, but on separate mornings: Tom’s running a workshop and I’m giving a brief morning keynote. Tom’s taken on the demanding task of doing a three hour(!) workshop and providing a comprehensive review of what we’ve been up to for...

Cabspotting in MoMA: Design and the Elastic Mind

Stamen Design | 02.12.08

Stamen is proud to announce that Cabspotting, our project with San Francisco’s Exploratorium, Scott Snibbe andAmy Balkin, will be part of an upcoming show at the Museum of Modern Art in New York City. The exhibition,Design and the Elastic Mind, opens to the public on February 24, 2008. The show is a survey of work...