Where2.0, Tonight:
I’m doing an Ignite session tonight at O’Reilly’s Where 2.0 conference in Burlingame. I’ve never done an Ignite before: the idea is you have 20 slides and 20 slides only, and they auto-advance every 15 seconds, and 15 seconds only. Usually when I talk, I start warming up after the first 10 minutes, so it should be interesting to take my by-now-familiar caffeine-fueled ranting style about beautiful maps and condense it down into the essentials:
Mapping Now: Dynamic Realtime Maps and Other Pictures
Maps are never pefect representations of reality, and increasingly they’re out of date before they’re finished. Complicating matters, mapping of live phenomena (geospatial or otherwise) is becoming more and more prevelant, and even expected. Looking back to earlier representations of movement can help us figure out how to represent the fluid spaces that mapping is moving in to.
The talk is open to the public, and is at the SFO Marriott tonight at 7pm.
Some Other Goodness:
Mike and Tom have posted notes from their Visual Urban Data: A Journey Through Oakland Crimespotting talk at the Berkeley School of Information. It was a different kind of format than we usually do, and it’s great for me to see a whole talk given over to a single project (usually we do a more wham-bam overview of our work). Mike’s slides are here, and Tom’s are here. My favorite of the bunch is this one, where Mike shows all the different icons that the official Oakland crime map uses to show the different kinds of crimes:

Gotta love those 8-bit syringes!
Mike gave a followup talk at the ISchool to a group of journalists, and videos of that talk are online here and here, or you can watch them below:
Also, a talk that Adam Greenfield graciously invited me to in February at New York’s New Museum of Contemporary Art has been posted towe-make-money-not-art:
Nextcity: The Art of the Possible 3/5 (Eric Rodenbeck, Stamen Design) from Rhizome on Vimeo.
“The Frank Sinatra of data visualization,” HA! Thanks, Regine.
And finally, there’s a Guardian article talking about how Boris Johnson, newly elected Lord Mayor of London, has made his promise of live crime maps for London a core part of his campaign. We’ll be watching (and maybe participating in?) this closely, for sure. It’s really happening…