A collection of all blog posts by Stamen Design.

blog/Stamen Design

New Work: Get Thee to a Park!

Stamen Design | 12.17.13

We’re pleased to announce a new project for the Golden Gate National Parks Conservancy. We’ve redesigned and built a new map, and trail visualizations to help people get to the parks in the Bay Area. Since 1981 — in partnership with the National Park Service and Presidio Trust — this local non-profit has provided over $250 million in support...

Pinterest has maps! By us!

Stamen Design | 11.21.13

When I first discovered Pinterest about two years ago, my heart exploded and my mind was blown in the best possible way. One simple interface allows me to visually browse all of the beautiful stuff I find on the internet and beyond, and to organize it how I please. It feels friendly & welcoming — a place...

Field Papers in the field

Stamen Design | 11.19.13

Thing 1: “In September 2013, students in Webutuck High School art classes participated in a mapping workshop where they made maps of their lives — things they did, things they liked, things they didn’t like, and things they’d like to see. They drew the maps on Field Papers, which were scanned, edited, and turned into geotiffs and...

OpenStreetMap: Every Line Ever, Every Point Ever

Stamen Design | 11.06.13

At Stamen we use OpenStreetMap data in most of the maps we make, including our Watercolor, Toner, andTerrain map tiles. OpenStreetMap is a rich and growing dataset that has been created and maintained by hundreds of thousands of volunteers around the world, and at Stamen we wouldn’t be able to do what we do without...

Two Talks in Austin

Stamen Design | 10.22.13

Beth and I were just in sunny Austin, Texas for another kind of South by Southwest: SxSW Eco 2013. It was a new crowd for me, which is always a blast. I saw some really interesting talks and projects, like the City as a Living Laboratory by New York artist Mary Miss, or the excellent...

Jawbone at TED 2013

Stamen Design | 10.02.13

We put together some experimental visualizations earlier this year for quantified self device hot shots Jawbone, showing the behavior of several hundred TED attendees during this year’s conference in Monterey. We worked with their data team to gather up the activity that each of the devices send back to the service, and after carefully combing...

Turning medical data into artful data viz

Stamen Design | 10.02.13

Big data is a big deal, for sure, but small data can be beautiful too. A work of art, even! We’ve been exploring these themes with Wong Doody Crandall Wiener in a new data viz piece in the lobby of Cedars Sinai Medical Center West Hollywood. To house their most state-of-the-art research and outpatient care,...

25 by 12 feet

Stamen Design | 09.12.13

Hear this: the billboard space at 14th and Valencia shall forever henceforth be known as Stamen Watercolor Billboard. Working with an anonymous benefactor, we generated what I think is the largest of our maps so far: 25 by 12 feet, big enough for our whole team to cavort along. It’s right down the street from...

Zoe’s Final Report

Stamen Design | 08.26.13

Over the summer, Stamen was joined by Zoe Padgett, an intern studying a Masters of Fine Arts in Media Design Practices from the Art Center College of Design. We were delighted to have her join us, and all tickled by the work you see below. My first week at Stamen, Art Director George Oates gave...

Stamen maps in Dodocase

Stamen Design | 08.02.13

I’m pleased to announce another product offering from Stamen; to satisfy your map object cravings, we’re partnering with the smarties at Dodocase to bring you custom wooden iPad cases, with maps from themaps.stamen.com project on the inside. For now, they’re available in two styles: a modified version of Toner called Toner-lines and Watercolor, and in...