
MTV Movie Awards 2010

| 06.08.10

We paid a visit to the MTV Movie Awards in Los Angeles this past weekend, where Eric, Sha and I spent the weekend producing and supporting an on-line/on-air visualization of live Twitter traffic about the stars and movies featured in the show. This was the most recent high-profile use of our recently-launched Eddy platform, and...

CNN: Home and Away

| 05.25.10

We’ve been working with our friends at CNN for almost a year on a project that is live as of today, a mapping of coalition casualties in Iraq and Afghanistan called Home and Away and live on The project is a sobering look at the human cost of two wars in the Middle East,...

We’re hiring an Executive Producer

| 04.21.10

So that, among a large number of other things, I can spend more time blogging and thinking and creative directing, we’re hiring an Executive Producer for Stamen: It’s time for us to bring on a full time Executive Producer to reduce the silence in the studio. Our growing field of opportunities and active projects means...

What Canada Winning The Olympic Hockey Gold Medal Looked Like On Twitter

| 03.03.10

One of the great things about being involved with projects like twitter visualizations of the Olympics is being able to look back at an event that basically the whole world is paying attention to, and seeing the way that attention was focused at events that make their way into culture and our collective memory. Sunday’s...

Stamen Designs Live Twitter Visualizations of the Vancouver Olympics

| 02.13.10

I’ve been feeling for some time now that the data visualization space is about to go completely bananas, where “bananas” means “taken for granted” in the sense that no major cultural event will feel complete without a corresponding live data visualization. The breadth and depth of the conversation happening on twitter around the Olympics is...

Hope For Haiti on MTV

| 01.23.10

The Hope For Haiti telethon is winding down and by all accounts things the after party is going smoothly. The live map we designed & built for MTV is here, there’s some conversation going on about it here, and it looks something like this when it’s in full swing: It’s early Saturday morning in Munich,...

The deal with Cabspotting

| 11.20.09

As previously mentioned, Cabspotting has been getting successively less live GPS taxi data from Yellow Cab during the last few months, resulting in an anemic and much spindlier (spindlier?) view of San Francisco than is normal when it’s in a healthy state: Being Stamen, of course we didn’t think to just pick up the phone...

We’re looking for a Studio Manager

| 10.21.09

For re-posting as far as the winds will take it: we are looking for a Studio Manager to help Deborah keep things running smoothly around here. Specifically: We’re looking for a confident, caring and motivated person to help run our busy Mission design studio. We are looking for someone with excellent organization skills, who’s clear...

Crimespotting in the Guardian

| 10.15.09

We learned today that San Francisco Crimespotting was featured in today’s Guardian, which is nice! Esopus was kind enough to send a link to an online viewer, and Zapme’s offered to send us a copy, and the article below that one is about how London’s talking about doing the same thing — get with it, people! Image...

GAFFTA: It’s all happening

| 10.01.09

Sha and I are here at GAFFTA after midnight the night before the show (and the place is packed! packed, I say, with smarties), finishing up the final details of our installation (which opens tomorrow), Alfonso and Julie (pictured below) are gracefully and delicately applying our wall-sized maps to the walls of the mezzanine, Josette...