Forget Tarantino: This treasure trove of Ed Ruscha photos is a love letter to Hollywood’s changing landscape.
Fast Company
Sure, lots of movies have captured the glamour of Tinseltown. But a treasure trove of never-before-seen photographs captured the actual Sunset Strip in all its groovy glory.
The collection of 60,000 photos are newly available through an interactive experience called “12 Sunsets: Exploring Ed Ruscha’s Archive,” launched by Stamen Design and the Getty Research Institute. The photographs were taken by Ruscha between 1965 and 2007. Ruscha’s style was flat, straight-on documentary photography that’s largely absent of people; he documented his cityscape as if it were a set. That’s because Ruscha wasn’t interested in human interest. The treatment “allows people to chart the enormous social and architectural changes over the past several years,” according Andrew Perchuk, deputy director of the archive who oversaw the project.