A collection of all blog posts by Stamen Design.

blog/Stamen Design

Oakland Crimespotting is back online, huzzah

Stamen Design | 02.10.08

(cut and pasted from a mail that Mike sent out this evening): Crimes mapped in Oakland Hello Everyone,We’re happy to announce that Oakland Crimespotting is back, thanks to the generous help of Oakland’s City Information Technology Department. After three months without access to report data, we’ve been granted a reliable, regularly-updated source of crime report...

Two Talks

Stamen Design | 01.30.08

I’m in Vancouver for the next few days at Web Directions North, where I’ll be talking about Information Visualization as a Medium Blurb: “Information visualization is becoming more than a set of tools and technologies and techniques to understand large data sets. It is emerging as a medium in its own right, with a wide...

Happy 2008!

Stamen Design | 01.13.08

Well it’s a little late to be writing an end-of-2007 wrap-up, but perhaps that’s OK. Last year I think I made my “plan for the year” in, well, May 2007, so things are moving in the right direction. In any event 2007 was an exciting year for us here at Stamen: we delivered work to...

Digg Pics is live

Stamen Design | 01.04.08

Digg Pics is a dynamic visualization of images as people vote for them. Generally, when we work on a new visualization, we start with data that is already flowing, and look for interesting patterns or tendencies that already exist. In Digg’s case, this is usually a particularly fruitful process because of the tremendous volume and...

Splatter: now (re) available for download

Stamen Design | 11.20.07

Our belated apologies to all the people who’ve been asking for the source code for splatter for the last month or so — we upgraded our publishing software and some loose ends never got resolved. Splatter #1 The project page has been updated with a new link to the appropriate files, or you can download it here....

Digg Arc History

Stamen Design | 08.30.07

Digg Arc is the lastest addition to our continuing work for Digg Labs. The piece has seen several weeks of development and experimentation and three phases of development punctuated by two successive public releases. This is a visual diary of its creation, shared by Shawn Allen, Tom Carden, and me, Michal Migurski. Arc began in...

Data visualization, SOM, and the Transbay Tower in San Francisco

Stamen Design | 08.09.07

Craig Hartmann and Brian Lee, design partners in Skidmore, Owings and Merril’s San Francisco office, unveiled their proposal for the new Transbay Transit Center and Tower in downtown San Francisco to a standing-room-only audience at San Francisco City Hall on Monday night. SOM asked Stamen to provide a series of potential live visualizations for the...

Hindsight’s 20–20, as it turns out

Stamen Design | 07.11.07

Hindsight, our new project with Trulia, launched a week or so ago. Since then Tom and I have been slowly collecting particularly nice examples of interesting conditions as we find them, and Tom’s been posting some of these on the Hindsight blog. We’re starting to identify a certain language of development patterns as we go:...

Eddie Elliott’s Cab Spots

Stamen Design | 06.27.07

I’ve been talking a bit with Eddie Elliott, local designer/technologist and all-around raconteur whose beautiful digitial work predates the web, about Cabspotting lately. We (Stamen) keep meaning to get back to the project and do some new investigation, but something else (i.e. paid work that we like to do) keeps getting in the way. Eddie’s...

Going back to NYC

Stamen Design | 04.23.07

I’m back from Barcelona and London, and hope to be posting my impressions from OFFF and a talk we gave at theNational Maritime Museum in the next couple of days. Things are a bit hectic; the studio has some new projects either just launched or about to launch (more on that later), and I’m off...