
The Future of Birds in our National Parks

| 03.22.18

The birds you expect to see in your favorite National Park may be radically changing soon due to climate change. It’s been a joy and an honor to help the @audubonsociety with the visualizations in this new landmark study called “The Future of Birds in our National Parks,” which launched yesterday. There are three main...

Making a 32ft wide mural for SPUR

| 02.22.18

We keep finding ourselves here. Last time I published an article I spoke about how I went about creating a 3D cut map for Matson’s office in Oakland with Stamen. In this post I’ll outline what it took to make a 32′x10′ high res satellite image (that’s 13,824,000 pixels) for SPUR’s office in SOMA. SPUR...

DC is trippin! with this new data visualization transportation tool

| 11.13.17

We recently launched a new tool with transportation consultants Fehr & Peers and the District Department of Transportation (ddot). TripsDC is a tool for generating trip estimates for mixed use development projects in the District of Columbia. Most transportation models tend to assume that a development is either retail, or work space, or housing, and so they don’t really account for...

Visualizing Open Spaces for the Peninsula Open Space Trust

| 11.07.17

The Living Landscape Initiative Partners have been protecting open spaces for people and wildlife in the South San Francisco Bay Area since the start of the 20th century. With over 235,000 (!) acres of protected lands, 700 (!) miles of streams, 60 (!) square miles of redwood habitat, and 250 (!) miles of trails protected...

Creating a giant 3D bathymetric map, out of 2D data, for Matson

| 09.05.17

Sometimes at Stamen we get the chance to create physical works of data visualization for our clients in the tactile world. Matson recently commissioned us to create an anchoring art piece for the boardroom at their recently redesigned offices in Oakland, CA. You may recognize the name from their logo on the side of shipping...

Visualizing infant vaccination rates for the World Health Organization

| 07.27.17

Eric Rodenbeck interviews Kai Chang and Alec Burch about their latest work with the World Health Organization Eric Rodenbeck, Kai Chang, & Alec Burch Eric Rodenbeck: I’m here with Kai Chang and Alec Burch. We’re here talking about our most recent work with the World Health Organization. We’ve worked with them before. Kai Chang: We...

Announcing Penny, a playful AI that explores wealth and poverty in American cities

| 06.27.17 There’s an artificial intelligence in the sky that is working on predicting your household income just by looking down at your house from space. “Penny,” as this AI is playfully called, was built by us, with researchers from Carnegie Mellon University (one of them is Aman Tiwari and he is our intern this summer),...

Big Glass Microphone is a data visualization of a 5km long fiber optic cable buried underneath Stanford University for the V&A.

| 05.15.17

We’re excited to announce Big Glass Microphone, a collaboration between Stamen Design and the Victoria and Albert Museum. Yesssssssss! Infrastructure is all around us. Some we can see, like roads, and some we can’t, like radio waves. Big Glass Microphone looks at the intersection between these two kinds of infrastructure by visualizing the vibrations in...

Why are there so many vacant storefronts in the Castro?

| 03.20.17

We’ve been having a really interesting time working with our friends at Hoodline, a site that was my go-to for local San Francisco news even before we started working with them about a month ago. Hoodline is quickly becoming a go-to location for really local news, like the armed standoff that took over two blocks...

Forcing Functions: Inside D3.v4 forces and layout transitions

| 11.16.16

…a guide for anyone interested in using D3.v4 forces, and especially those interested in creating their own custom forces and transitions. A recent Stamen project gave me an opportunity to dive into D3.v4’s forceSimulation() — a modularized version of v3’s force layouts with a ton of improvements. This investigation resulted in two new force modules, ready for...