New images of complex microbiome environments visualized by Berkeley Metagenomics Lab and Stamen…

| 09.26.16

It’s easy to think that we’ve discovered most of the species on the planet. In fact, the booming field of metagenomics is using big data to help scientists better understand new and vast unexplored regions of the natural world: the microbiome. In the last few years, the price of genetic sequencing has plummeted to the...

Using open data to learn about land use in Los Angeles

| 09.16.16

by Eric Rodenbeck and Alan McConchie An industrial stretch in the City of Industry OpenStreetMap’s Los Angeles County building import is well under way, having imported over 1.5 million buildings so far, and with another 1.5 million to go! We were proud to help get the project off the ground, and it’s now taken on...

The Atlas of Emotion on the BBC World Service

| 09.07.16

My friend Tania Ketenjian interviewed Eve Ekman and I about our project with the Dalai Lama, the Atlas of Emotions, the other week for the BBC World Service. You can listen to the episode here (we’re on at 20:35), and what follows is a transcript of that interview. Reviewing the design of the Atlas of...