Videos of Stamen’s NACIS 2022 presentations are now live!

| 11.21.22

We had a great time last month at the annual meeting of the North American Cartographic Information Society, talking with old and new friends about a shared love of maps. We also had a record number of team members giving presentations, both about our Stamen work and about some passion projects. We wrote a previous...

Golden Ratio & Cartography; a talk at NACIS 2022

| 11.15.22

Last month I was lucky enough to give a talk at the North American Cartographic Information Society’s annual meeting in Minneapolis, about the golden ratio & how we apply it to our cartographic & data visualization practice at Stamen. The video recording of the talk is here, for those who prefer to watch and listen...

Pollinate Ep.12- Andy Woodruff & Griping About Daylight Saving Time

| 11.11.22

Twice a year, people in every hemisphere of the world adjust their clocks to adhere to Daylight Saving Time (DST). Whether you prefer these biannual changes or you’d rather leave your clock alone, cartographer Andy Woodruff has made an interactive map to help you make your case when complaining about it on social media. In...

Stamen + MapLibre

We are happy to share that we have begun work on improving MapLibre Native with technical leadership by Wet Dog Weather and funding from AWS. MapLibre Native is an Open Source SDK for rendering maps on mobile and other devices. We at Stamen rely on map renderers to display the beautiful maps we create for...