The Natural Capital Project came to Stamen to help design a data hub with the goal of creating a navigable and open-access resource built on CKAN to support sustainable decision-making. Additionally, the data hub su...
The Exploratorium reached out to Stamen to help with an installation for their exhibit, ¡Plantásticas!, which provides a unique exploration of the plant world in California through diverse perspectives. We worked with their team to create an eng...
Stamen has a fruitful multi-year relationship with MPG, a 15,000 acre ranch in Montana that specializes in habitat restoration and ecological research. MPG and Stamen collaborate with Dean Pearso...
ACA 411 was a deceptively simple interface into a rich dataset that covers everything from how many people are uninsured in the San Joaquin Valley (18.1%) to how much a small firm pays for health insurance per person ($7,379). ACA 411 covers more ...
We designed a new look for the maps used by LOCOG (the London Organising Committee of the Olympic Games). The project organized tens of thousands of geocoded articles and photos that the London 2012 team produc...