Make your own globe-spanning Jack-o’-lantern

Look at this fun thing. You can carve a pumpkin on the globe! I can’t believe it. Isn’t it fun? It is. I am fun.Here are a few more. If you want to be fun too, try it at Also what is fun is that your carving is stored in the page URL.  If...

Pollinate Ep. 11- Amira Hankin & Designing Without Rules

| 10.17.22

The intersection of the physical world and human consciousness is a playground for designers like Amira Hankin, who know how to leverage both to influence the behavior of an observer. Trained in visual arts and biology, Amira is a lead product designer at Stamen and one of the minds behind Stamen’s award-winning project 12 Sunsets....

Meet Stamen at the NACIS Conference!

| 10.14.22

By Eric Rodenbeck and the Stamen Design team One of our favorite conferences of the year is the annual meeting of the North American Cartographic Information Society (NACIS, for short). It’s an eclectic community of academics, professional cartographers, artists, activists, and many other stripes of fascinating creative people who share a love of maps. And...