An ode to d3.js projections

| 05.30.16

When it comes to making maps online there are many tools available, but they all have one thing in common: Geographic coordinates go in and a two-dimensional image comes out. Converting from geographic coordinates (longitude,latitude) to pixel coordinates is accomplished via a map projection. Most of the tools made for online map making focus on facilitating the navigation...

The coolest room in the whole damn world

| 05.26.16

Last year we got to pay several visits to David Rumsey’s amazing map library in his basement in San Francisco’s Cole Valley. At that time it was the country’s largest collection of maps in private hands. It was the coolest room in the whole damn world. David showing his map of rivers in Asia David...

d3.js workshops

| 05.25.16

learning and teaching d3 together Learning d3.js and data visualization is a long and sometimes frustrating journey. First, there is the overwhelming amount of choice. From the tens of thousands of examples, to the hundreds of API functions and millions of ways you can combine them with SVG, Canvas or WebGL. Even if you can chart a course across this vast ocean you may find many icebergs lurking...

Stamen is offering classes in data visualization and web mapping at our Mission District studio…

| 05.12.16

Stamen is offering classes in data visualization and web mapping at our Mission District studio, ​starting in June 2016​! These two classes are the first of what we hope will be an ongoing series of classes for individuals and organizations to learn from our experts, at the seat of where Stamen has been practicing data...

OpenStreetMap past(s), OpenStreetMap future(s)

| 04.08.16

I gave a talk at AAG last week, as part of a session about OpenStreetMap data analysis. [UPDATE: I gave a similar talk at State of the Map US in Seattle on July 23, 2016. You can watch the video on YouTube. UPDATE #2: Maurizio Napolitano translated this post into Italian!] Slides at I...

Taking Missing Maps into the field in Ecuador and Peru

| 03.18.16

This is the first in a series of updates on Seth’s travels to map some of the poorest areas on earth by extending Field Papers, a project we’re working on with The American Red Cross and our friends at Spatial Dev. There’s a brief intro to that project here. Photo: Nick Hallahan We left DC...

Using Instagram and Open Data to Put the Public in Public Lands

| 03.17.16 opens a door and listens to people being themselves outside This spring, (a site I worked on with GreenInfo when I was still at Stamen Design) relaunched with a new look and a clear purpose: Highlight the thousands of photos pouring out of California’s parks every day. And it’s working amazingly well. I...

Patrolling Trails in OpenStreetMap

| 03.16.16

A how to guide (in the weeds, so to speak) Update on Tagging added March 25, 2016 The coverage of our efforts to mark prohibited trails prompted a fair amount of conversation on OpenStreetMap’s mailing lists (this message and following) and chat rooms. Based on community discussion there and elsewhere, the best solution for marking...

On the Right Trail

| 03.16.16

Turning bad social data into good information helps parks, the open mapping community, and salmon When we launched, we created a custom base map especially to emphasize parks rather than the city names and highways that dominate most basic online maps. We made sure to pull all the park boundaries and names from the...

Parks + Technology = A Match Made in California

| 03.15.16

Just in time for Spring Break: A new version of CaliParks app puts 11,826 parks at your fingertips with crowd-sourced trails and millions of on-the-spot photos from Instagram Nature and technology might not seem like a good fit to some. But everyone needs to get outdoors more, especially kids. Now a new bilingual, mobile, web-based...