We’re glad to be participating in W(e are )here, a gallery show/series of events/map-making party in Minneapolis put on by Solution Twin Cities and Intermedia Arts:

Recent developments in technology are expanding the ways we communicate the concept of “where.” Online mapping and info-graphic applications are allowing artists, amateurs, and armchair cartographers to chart the intangibility of “place,” etching their own impressions, emotions, and experiences onto the physical world around them. Embracing this new paradigm, the artists in this exhibit are charting unique territories while working towards the development of an emerging visual language that connects place, moment, and emotion across varied scales. Where is expanding. W(e are )here.
Stamen’s Tom Carden has put together a custom view onto the Twin Cities’ unique pattern of housing development for the show (based on our work with awesome real estate aggregator Trulia), and I’m giving a lecture on “Visualizing Urban Data Streams” at the University of Minnesota this evening, delivered in my by-now-familiar rapid-fire stream-of-consciousness hand-wavy style. So if you like interactive animations where cities bloom and spread like some incredibly long-lived malevolent flower, go see the show; if you like watching a guy in a suit rave about why it’s interesting, come to the lecture. Come to both!