data visualization description

work/Data Visualization

Modeling ecosystems with MPG Matrix

Stamen has a fruitful multi-year relationship with MPG, a 15,000 acre ranch in Montana that specializes in habitat restoration and ecological research. MPG and Stamen collaborate with Dean Pearso...

National Audubon Society Survival by Degrees

The birds are in trouble. This was the stark message embedded in the National Audubon Society’s climate report, ...

A Day of Financial Transactions

This is a visualization of a day’s worth of trading data on the NASDAQ stock exchange. In the examples that follow, each of which represents a single minute of trading, the images on top use a unique color to represent each trader, and the i...

The City from the Valley: Google, Apple, Facebook buses

Historically, workers have lived in residential suburbs while commuting to work in the city. For Silicon Valley, however, the situation is reversed: Many of the largest technology companies are based in suburbs but look to recruit younger knowledg...


Among the first uses of realtime data in a visualization of any kind on the web, Cabspotting was shown in the Design and the Elastic Mind exhibition at the Museum of Modern Art in 2008, wa...

MoMA’s Talk to Me Exhibit

We were pleased to be featured in a second design exhibition at the Museum of Modern Art in New York City, Talk To Me, curated by Paola Antonelli. Our team had two pieces in the exhibit: prettymaps, an open data yellow-and-green smorgasbord...

Facebook Flowers

Facebook Flowers diagrams the viral activity that followed George Takei sharing a picture on Facebook. Each share generates a thread, and follow-on shares continue as extensions of that strand, blooming as the picture is passed from friend to frie...

SFMoMA Artscope

This map shows, in one view, everything in the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art’s collection. Stamen used interactive mapping technology but applied it to a map of the collection itself. What we made The pro...

National Audubon Society Climate Maps

Climate change, though we know it’s there, is a hard thing to see: it’s slow, it’s invisible, and if you don’t know what you’re looking for, then you might not even miss it once its gone. Birds, ho...