cartography description


Wayfinding with Fox 21st Century Studios

21st Century Fox studios came to Stamen with the need for a better map experience for people finding their way around their properties. T...

Mapping Japanese American internment with Densho

In 2021, Stamen began working with Densho, a nonprofit committed to documenting the oral histories of Japanese Americans who were incarcerated on American soil during WWII. ...

Custom Cartography with Spherical

What We Made Stamen collaborated with Spherical Studio to help redesign their custom branded base map and provide design and data expertise for their Living Infrastructure Field Kit. Spheri...

Interacting with plants at the Exploratorium

The Exploratorium reached out to Stamen to help with an installation for their exhibit, ¡Plantásticas!, which provides a unique exploration of the plant world in California through diverse perspectives. We worked with their team to create an eng...

Lyft Maps

Lyft partnered with Stamen to design and implement their first custom maps for their riders and driver. Stamen worked with Lyft’s product designers and researchers to understand the unique needs of their users while developing a cartographic...

Empty City

Empty City” investigates the fractured urbanism of San Francisco, Las Vegas and the road in between. As in our experiences of these places, events occur in fragments, via unexpected juxtapositions, and are often gone before they have fully arriv...

United States Broadband Maps for the FCC collected internet connection data across the US. Funded by the FCC, the project let viewers compare connection type, actual speeds versus those advertised, availability compared to demographics, and other aspects of their broadba...

Facebook’s Own Global Base Map

It’s been our privilege to work on one of our largest and most ambitious undertakings ever: collaborating closely with a team of Facebook engineers, designers, and data experts to roll out a global, multi-scale base map for all of Facebook’s b...

A mapping platform for the London 2012 Olympic Games

We designed a new look for the maps used by LOCOG (the London Organising Committee of the Olympic Games). The project organized tens of thousands of geocoded articles and photos that the London 2012 team produc...