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We’re hiring an Executive Producer

So that, among a large number of other things, I can spend more time blogging and thinking and creative directing, we’re hiring an Executive Producer for Stamen:

It’s time for us to bring on a full time Executive Producer to reduce the silence in the studio. Our growing field of opportunities and active projects means that we are managing much larger and more complicated projects across a broad spectrum of industries. We are interested someone who can manage long-term sustainable processes to support Stamen as a close-knit community of designers and developers.

In addition, we need someone to track, coordinate and actively manage: who’s working on what, who needs to know about it, what stage is it at, what comes next, and what should we do now to make sure we’re ready? We are looking to be asked: what do you need, from who, in order to do the thing that you need to do? Did you get it? If not, why, and how do we make sure that it doesn’t happen again? And so on, in an overall and strategic sense as well as in a day-to-day sense. This is a position for a senior level person who can keep their eye on the big picture and relishes getting their hands dirty in the nitty-gritty of project development, client services and strategic production.

Details here. If this sounds like you or someone you know, please get in touch.

Published: 04.21.10
Updated: 09.20.22

About Stamen

Stamen is a globally recognized strategic design partner and one of the most established cartography and data visualization studios in the industry. For over two decades, Stamen has been helping industry giants, universities, and civic-minded organizations alike bring their ideas to life through designing and storytelling with data. We specialize in translating raw data into interactive visuals that inform, inspire and incite action. At the heart of this is our commitment to research and ensuring we understand the challenges we face. We embrace ambiguity, we thrive in data, and we exist to build tools that educate and inspire our audiences to act.