Stamen and friends at State of the Map US

| 07.28.16

Last weekend Seth and I attended the State of the Map US conference in Seattle, to catch up on all things OpenStreetMap. We were joined by many Stamen alumni, partners, and friends who gave some very interesting talks as well. Here are links to videos of some of the presentations that Stamen had a hand...

Embracing the Abstract in Visualized Data

| 07.27.16

Or Tangifying the Intangible Just over a year ago I showed up to my first day as a designer at Stamen Design and was asked to distill 30 years of scientific knowledge about human emotion into an interactive visualization that would be presented to the Dalai Lama in a few months time. And then things...

The Shapes of Emotions

| 07.27.16

One of the core visualizations in the Atlas of Emotions shows the range of states of each of the 5 emotions (anger, fear, disgust, sadness, and enjoyment). For example, annoyance, argumentativeness, and fury are all states of anger. But, the states vary quite a bit in terms of their intensity: annoyance is relatively mild, fury...

Finding Calm in the Atlas of Emotions

| 07.27.16

Our clients demonstrating the state of Enjoyment known as rejoicing As Nicolette Hayes described in Embracing the Abstract in Data Viz, the Atlas of Emotions required us to think and act creatively to visually describe human emotions. Zan narrated the path to our depiction of emotional states in The Shapes of Emotions, and that leads...

Introducing Portable OpenStreetMap

| 07.22.16

For the past several months we’ve been working with SpatialDev and the American Red Cross on a project we’ve been calling Portable OpenStreetMap (POSM). The initial goal was to integrate Field Papers and OpenMapKit to support the workflow used by Missing Maps efforts around the world, which aim to help some of the world’s most...

Say hello to global Stamen terrain maps

| 07.12.16

I think I’m goin’ to Katmandu,That’s really really where I’m going to Hello, Mexico, Honduras, Nicaragua, Panama, Venezuela, Columbia & French Guiana! | Left: 2016 | Right 2014 As of today we are live! with a new and improved global version of our terrain map, first launched with the support of the Knight News Challenge,...

Stamen practitioners series: a conversation with Zan Armstrong

| 07.11.16

Last week I sat down with the amazing Zan Armstrong, who I’ve had the pleasure of working closely with over the last six months. She’s heading out on a world tour, so I wanted to get a sense from her what she’d learned from working with us, how she felt about the projects, and what...

Tracking birds of prey from Mexico to Alaska and back

| 07.06.16

Osprey migration paths in North America It’s an exciting time to be interested in birds! Parrots are giving testimony in murder trials. Night parrots, thought to be extinct for 100 years, are being captured and tagged. Thousands of glowing pigeons carrying LEDs are flying through the air in giant collaborative night-time flocking art projects. And...