
Tracking viruses with WastewaterSCAN

  What if you could check pathogen levels like you do the weather? We collaborated with WastewaterSCAN to develop a comprehensive platform for visualizing virus data collected from wastewater treatment plants across the United States. ...

Custom Cartography with Spherical

What We Made Stamen collaborated with Spherical Studio to help redesign their custom branded base map and provide design and data expertise for their Living Infrastructure Field Kit. Spheri...

Optimizing disaster response CrisisReady

CrisisReady, a research collaboration between the Harvard Data Science Initiative and Direct Relief, aims to advance data-driven decision making in emergency scenarios. They reached out to Stamen...

Facebook COVID-19 Mobility Dashboard

The ultimate goal of this project — which took place over a very short timeframe as the pandemic began racing across the globe — was to help answer key questions related to COVID-19. How well have physical distancin...

UCSF Health Atlas

A team from UCSF School of Medicine Dean’s Office of Population Health and Health Equity, led by Dr. Debby Oh, hired us to build an online tool to help researchers explore how our environment influences our health at a local ...

The Atlas of Emotions for the Dalai Lama & Paul Ekman

After having co-written several books together, the Dalai Lama asked his friend, scientist Dr. Paul Ekman, to design him an Atlas of Human Emotion, and Paul asked us to help him. His Holiness was intrigued by conversations that...

WHO Immunization Progress Reports

After more than 30 years of publishing their annual immunization report, WHO called on Stamen to bring a new and improved visual approach to their storytelling for their 2016 Immunization Progress Report, which we maintained ov...

Visualizing Obamacare

ACA 411 was a deceptively simple interface into a rich dataset that covers everything from how many people are uninsured in the San Joaquin Valley (18.1%) to how much a small firm pays for health insurance per person ($7,379). ACA 411 covers more ...

California Health Care Foundation

In late September of 2011 we published some work with the California Health Care Foundation, mapping variations in Elective Procedure Rates across the state. In English, this means we looked at how likely people are to do things like have t...

Pro Choice America

NARAL, the political and grassroots arm of the pro-choice movement, organized the March for Women’s Lives on Washington, D.C., on, April 25, 2004. We designed and built a structure to visually represent both the march’s massive turnout and itâ...