Cartographers Play Video Games – A Review of the Map in Elden Ring

Elden Ring has been the buzz of the gaming world since its release in late February. As the latest title by From Software, it’s the studio’s first foray into an open-world role-playing concept for their extremely popular and infamously difficult games (typically referred to as Souls or Soulsborne games from two notable games in their catalog, Dark Souls and Bloodborne). It’s also the first of these games to include a map, which really excites us at a cartographer studio with some avid gamers.

Pollinate Ep. 4- Alan McConchie & The Maps Underneath

| 03.10.22

Like any good product, a basemap is something most people don’t notice when it’s well-designed. Typically providing context beneath a navigation route or other geographic data, the basemap is arguably the most widely-consumed type of map in modern cartography. However, today’s average map user might tilt their head when they hear the term “basemap” for...

Mapping Historical New York with dot density maps

| 03.03.22

In 2021 Stamen had the pleasure of working on Mapping Historical New York with Columbia University’s Center for Spatial Research. The Center came to the table with a large and unique dataset of historical census data for the areas that are now Manhattan and Brooklyn dating back to 1850. Part of what is special about...