
Redesigning the Distressed Communities Index

Economic Innovation Group (EIG) approached Stamen with the goal to redesign their renowned Distressed Communities Index (DCI). The index categorizes zip codes, counties, cities, districts, and st...

Tracking viruses with WastewaterSCAN

  What if you could check pathogen levels like you do the weather? We collaborated with WastewaterSCAN to develop a comprehensive platform for visualizing virus data collected from wastewater treatment plants across the United States. ...

Optimizing disaster response CrisisReady

CrisisReady, a research collaboration between the Harvard Data Science Initiative and Direct Relief, aims to advance data-driven decision making in emergency scenarios. They reached out to Stamen...

Modeling ecosystems with MPG Matrix

Stamen has a fruitful multi-year relationship with MPG, a 15,000 acre ranch in Montana that specializes in habitat restoration and ecological research. MPG and Stamen collaborate with Dean Pearso...

Facebook COVID-19 Mobility Dashboard

The ultimate goal of this project — which took place over a very short timeframe as the pandemic began racing across the globe — was to help answer key questions related to COVID-19. How well have physical distancin...

CAST Culture Compass

CAST came to us to help them design and implement an interactive mapping tool that would allow users to identify all of the various art institutions in San Francisco as well as surface key data points such as facility size, own...

LA County Arts Commission online arts education tool

How much art are public school students being exposed to? What kinds of arts programs are available to them across a given metropolitan area? The LA County Arts Commission wanted to give Los Angeles County parents and policy ma...

Lake Tahoe in Depth

To support understanding the science of the lake, the UC Davis Tahoe Environmental Research Center (TERC) releases an annual State of the Lake Rep...

Visualizing Obamacare

ACA 411 was a deceptively simple interface into a rich dataset that covers everything from how many people are uninsured in the San Joaquin Valley (18.1%) to how much a small firm pays for health insurance per person ($7,379). ACA 411 covers more ...

United States Broadband Maps for the FCC collected internet connection data across the US. Funded by the FCC, the project let viewers compare connection type, actual speeds versus those advertised, availability compared to demographics, and other aspects of their broadba...