Open Data Maps for AWS

Earlier this year, Amazon Location Service launched their Open Data Maps collection, and with it four new map styles that Stamen designed. This wasn’t just any project for us. As Kate Leroux, Stephanie May, and Seth Fitzsimmons explained at State of the Map in Richmond in June, it was a chance to showcase not only...

Dreamy, aspirational cartography with Spherical

| 08.10.23

Earlier this year, Stamen collaborated to design a custom branded basemap with our friends at Spherical, a creative technology design and integrative research studio supporting projects regenerating the health and integrity of Earth’s living systems. In partnership with ARLA, Spherical supports community workshop facilitators with their Living Infrastructure Field Kit, a space to explore the...

What’s next for Stamen Maps?

The Stamen map tiles have long been one of our most iconic offerings, but only recently have we engaged with how to sustainably move them into the future. In June’s episode of Pollinate we dig into how some of the headier challenges of performative materiality apply to preserving the Watercolor style in the Cooper Hewitt...

The Notion of “Data-Driven Products” Isn’t New. But You Need a Strategy.

Not all “data-driven insights” are valuable to pursue for the sake of your product vision. But which data is valuable for your product and business goals and which can you leave behind? First, it’s the quality of data that matters—not just the quantity. Quality data that precisely matches your business case isn’t going to be...